Hire one or more of our Jaguar XJ chauffeur driven wedding cars for you special day. Give the groom a treat, and hire our AC Corbra for him to arrive at the Church/ Regestery Office in stile. Go to http://www.glmexecutivecars.webs.com/ for more information.
Here at GLM Motors we have a very well equipped modern and spacious workshop. Which allows us to treat your vehicle with the care and respect you deserve.
Cam belts must be replaced as per the manufactures sceduals. Failier to have your vehicles cam belt replaced can cause extensive damage to your engine. The adverage repair cost for an engine which has suffered a cam belt failier is £700 - £1000, or even unrepairable engine damage. Contact us today for a quote to save yourself the cost and hassel.
Keep cool this summer and get your vehicles air conditioning system serviced by our trained technicians using the very latest equipment. Prices starting from £60.00
Keep your vehicle on the road by having it serviced regularly. It is recomended to get your car serviced at least once a year, even if you do low milage. Why not have a combined MOT and Service to save time and money. Combined MOT and Service from £79.99 Servicing from £50.00